The NY Giants with little Eli Manning defeated the New England Patriots and their Uberquarterback Tom Brady, putting a kibosh to New England's perfect season, and becoming Super Bowl XLII champions. What an upset! I love seeing the underdogs win!
The NY defense was superb. U. was delighted that "they weren't letting Tom Brady do his thing." And did you see Eli Manning break free from like three New England linemen pawing at him and pulling his jersey, and then make an incredible throw to top it off? That's the stuff of legend there. Plus is was fun to see big brother Peyton Manning and his parents reacting and supporting Eli Manning. It was a much deserved victory for Eli and the entire team. It felt great to see them win.
(I'd be remiss if I didn't mention - It's a good thing the game was so exciting, because the commercials stank this year. What happened???)
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