The movie is worth seeing despite the awful title, (which no one can seem to remember). Take a classic shoot em up, chase em down, wild west outlaw movie with a cold blooded villain; modernize it and throw in lots and lots of violence, add one psychopathic killer, pepper with good actors and some Coen brother's humor - and you've got the recipe for this movie.
Within the first 1o minutes of this movie you see a man being strangled to death, and afterwards you're shown the scuff marks his boots left on the white linoleum floor as he struggled. It's shocking. The violence-o-dometer is off the charts. You see people getting killed in new and unique ways never before seen in a film. At the end of the movie I had a fever, literally from being so disturbed. I don't know what was more disturbing though...the violence in the movie...or the guy sitting next to me at the Arc Light who laughed while watching a man choke on his own blood.
But in summary, it's a movie that leaves questions in the end, and you're left thinking about those questions long after the film has ended.

"Violence and mayhem ensue after a hunter stumbles upon some dead bodies, a stash of heroin and more than $2 million in cash near the Rio Grande."
The cast includes

As always, he has the Texas drawl / speak down pat. He's believable as a 3rd generation lawman. He had some great lines. I'd like to see him nominated for an Oscar for this part.

He gave a bone chilling portrayal of a villain / killer. I also hope he's nominated for an Oscar for this role.

Who knew the teenager from The Goonies would grow up to play such a bad*ss?

He's a hired man and cowboy with a sense of humor. I only wish there was more of him in this movie.

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