Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wanderlust ("Out of Africa")

The video clip above is the flight over Africa scene from "Out of Africa".

My friend Trailhead (who's back after a blog sabbatical) writes:
"I awoke the other morning with this scene from Out of Africa on my mind. I searched for it on youtube, and voila. I grabbed the book on the way out the door to re-read on the plane."

From one sister to another with a bad case of Wanderlust and itching to travel travel travel - I can relate. When I haven't flown the coop in awhile, I find myself unable to concentrate and my mind wanders, fantasizing about remote areas of the world.

This goes way back - In the 1st grade, my teacher told my parents I was a bright student but I had a problem with daydreaming. I would stare out the classroom window and be completely caught up in a daydream, instead of paying attention to the teacher. (Her remedy was to seat me at a desk away from the windows.)

When I was older, I used to order all sorts of travel brochures which at that time were mailed to the house. My dad probably thought I was running off to Timbuktu and asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

And more often than not, my daydreaming involves scenes from movies with beautiful scenery with "brings tears to my eyes - moving" soundtracks. I'm not ashamed to admit, Hollywood has influenced my own personal imagery.

With that said - I've got a tentative trip to the Canary Islands planned for this year. I can't wait to explore! And then there's traveling through familiar, beloved European countries - my version of Disneyland. In the meantime I've got a handful of other trips within the US scheduled including one state I've never been to.

And Trailhead just because you reminded me, now I have to get the movie AND read the book. What a beautiful story (and Robert Redford)!

1 comment:

Trailhead said...

In my list of dead people whose lives I wish I could have lived, Isak Dinesen/Karen Blixen rates in the top five. And the film captures all of that so magnificently. That clip just entrances me every single time. I want to see it, I want to be there, I want to LIVE there, but too many other things are pulling at me in this season of my life. And the music and the beauty of that clip dredge all those feelings up and play them like an orchestra.

My brother and I were seriously considering the Canary Islands a year or so ago. Can't wait to hear about your trip!