Friday, August 25, 2006
Sometimes men just can't handle the truth
The response I got from my client was, "Oh. You could have just said it was a 'girl thing." and then both normally mature men started giggling like little boys. As I sat there, the only woman in the room and in on the conversation, wondering what was so funny (did I say "Uranus"?), it donned on me that sometimes men just don't want to know about female things, as it makes them uncomfortable. Women on the other hand will talk about it with other women and it doesn't bother us in the least. (Probably because we've all gone through it and go through it every month).
So after the giggles died down I jokingly responded with, "Well since we're all grown ups here, I thought we could all handle it."
Thursday, August 24, 2006
When did liberal become a bad word and patriotism become republican?
I'm guilty of the latter - associating patriotism with being a Republican*.
Background: Uwe and I have this beach towel we got at a gift shop some years ago when we were on vacation that looks like the United States flag with star and stripes, and is a bold red, white and blue. We needed a towel and rather than buying one that had something cheesy on it, Uwe picked the US flag towel which he found funny. (One of the things I love about him is that he finds humor in the little things.)
We bring this towel with us whenever we go to outdoor events, to sit on. At the 2006 Coachella Valley Music Festival this past April I was embarrassed to be seen with this towel. I felt like people were looking at us like we were flag waving, patriotic, Republican, pro-war nuts. I mentioned this to Uwe and said we needed to get a new towel because people were getting the wrong idea by our towel. He responded, "No way. People don't think that. Look at Woodstock! The flag was everywhere." True, but I still feel that carrying a flag around now has a different connotation than it did back then. When did patriotism become Republican?
*Disclaimer: My dad is a Republican. I love my dad, but that doesn't mean I have to agree with his political views. Strangely enough when we talk politics now we agree on many points....including the war, global warming, and how much Bush sucks. =)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sunday, August 06, 2006
A pet peeve of mine
Saturday, August 05, 2006
An ode to Samantha Morton

I recently saw a movie she starred in called "Code 46" thanks to On Demand. (I love that cable feature!) It wasn't an especially good movie, but the idea behind it was intriguing and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.
Code 46 (2003) - costarring Tim Robbins is about a futuristic 'brief encounter', a love story in which the romance is doomed by genetic incompatibility.
I love science fiction and this movie brings up controversial issues such as cloning and big brother controlling where you're allowed to go, who you're allowed to be with, and what memories you're allowed to keep.
Taglines include:
1) How do you solve a crime when the last thing you want to know is the truth?
2) Can you miss someone you don't remember?
3) Can a single moment ever disappear completely? Samantha Morton first popped up on my radar in the movie Jesus' Son (1999) costarring Billy Crudup about love, drug addiction, and redemption.
Samantha Morton's character, Michelle, is a lovable, free spirit, but also a drug addict. In an act of desperation to show her boyfriend how much she loves him, she overdoses on pills and writes a letter to him, hoping that he will read the note and save her. It is the ultimate immature act of a person spiraling out of control.
Her boyfriend (Billy Crudup's character) comes back to the motel room feeling bad about the fight they had earlier that night, snuggles up to his girlfriend in bed (who he thinks is sleeping), gives her a kiss on the cheek and goes to sleep. In the morning he wakes up to find his girlfriend dead next to him and discovers the note about her suicide/cry for help. That scene is so filled with anguish, confusion and love that it brought me to tears.She also starred in Minority Report (2002) with Tom Cruise.
Another movie she got critical acclaim for was In America (2003). Her performance as always is good, but the movie itself is a stinker.
From imdb it looks like there are a number of movies and even a TV show she's filming and/or are in production now:
The Golden Age (2007) (filming) .... Mary - Queen of Scots
Longford (2006) (TV) (filming) .... Myra Hindley
Mister Lonely (2006) (filming) (attached) .... Marilyn Monroe
Control (2006) (filming) .... Deborah Curtis
Expired (2006) (post-production) .... Claire
Friday, August 04, 2006
Artifact in my car
My daughter Astrid will grow up not even knowing what a tape is. Kind of like an 8 track was for me. By the time I was old enough to buy my own music, 8 tracks had gone the way of the dodo bird. The only 8 tracks I saw/held/played, were my dad's old 8 tracks. I marveled at how archaic, but kinda cool they were in the vintage sense.